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5 top in-demand skills you should learn in 2023

The job market is one that is not fixed for centuries. There booms in some areas while other areas experience crashes. Whichever area you are in you always have one tool that can ensure you remain control of the game. The year is almost far spent with us approaching its halfway mark but that still does not stop you from going after your dreams.

Whatever your dream is, be it a transition to a new field you desire or increase your value and attract more pay or to just be equipped with the skill, there are recommended things you can do. In this article, I present to you the top most in-demand skills of 2023 that if you are not already an expert in one, you should get your hands dirty to become an expert.

These are not arranged in any order of importance so be guided. And most importantly, you should go for what you can achieve success not what is catchy and prestigious. Anyway, all the skills in this list are prestigious and also can be done by anyone at all.

So let’s get started.

Data analysis

Have you heard about data analysis? If no, then you just did. Data analysis is a field of mathematical statistics and computer science. Wow! Don’t get beaten. It cuts across those areas but it does not mean you need to study mathematics, statistics or computer science before becoming one. In fact the simplest definition of data analysis is the process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming and modelling data to create useful information from it. So you get it now? Anyone can possibly do that and you already are doing it daily.

A person skilled in data analysis uses a wide range of tools including from simple ones such as Google docs and Microsoft Excel to advanced ones such as Python, SQL, Tableu and the 29-year-old statistical programming language, R.

You will need analytical and statistical skills, data visualization, communication and writing skills, a problem-solving mentality and skills as well as domain knowledge to be able to excel here. But don’t worry all these are inside you and can be evoked through learning.

How much do they pay?

Depending on your job title and experience you can get as much as US$67,000 per annum for a Data analyst role and over US4100,000 for a Data scientist role. Wondering where to work? You can fit in anywhere from health to education through to research. Oh, yes you could even get lucky and be hired to train the next ChatGPT version.

User Experience Design

Another highly in-demand position is user experience (UX) design. This position has always been in-demand especially since the booming of the mobile application and web development business. All applications we use today have user interfaces and provide users with an experience. From the opening of your WhatsApp application to sending messages to people and using even more complex applications at work, you need the user experience to be good.

Interestingly, there are many different jobs roles for persons in this field including user interface designer (UI), UX writer, product designer, UX researcher and UX designer. You could be earning between US$90,000 and US$110,000 working in this field.

In this area, you need communication, design thinking, design mapping, empathy, prototyping and some bit of front end programming. The list of skills is not exclusive as each role requires varied skillsets to succeed.

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Yes, you heard me right. Translation jobs are highly in-demand and are projected to grow at 20% faster than the average of all other occupations between 2021 and 2031. People employed here also earn an average annual salary of US$49,110 per annum. You do not need much to get in here but a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and proficiency in English and one other language.

So have you forgotten about your French classes teacher? Get his number now and call him because you need to talk right away. Also remember that you could work as a localization specialist, an interpreter or translator. So as you begin to improve your French or Spanish language skills, be sure to look out for job posts with these titles.

Mobile Development

Mobile development is not going anywhere and it is one area that will stay forever and ever. Unless we get to an era where a newer technology will make phones useless and stone aged, you will always be using mobile applications on your devices so their developers are needed.

This is one of the popular job fields in the market and you could easily find and fix yourself in one if you know your stuff. With roles for mobile developers, android developers, iOS developers and cross-platform developers you cannot search and not get a place to slot in.

Also, the entry skills are varied and you can choose one and use that to enter. You will need to be good in at least one programming language, back-end development and have some knowledge of software development concepts and procedures. Others skills that are also valuable are cybersecurity skills, cross-platform skills, Internet of Things (IoT), agile development, product management, user interface design and business skills. You don’t need to be a specialist in all but basic knowledge in some and proficiency in others will get you through. And as with other areas, you will learn on the job as well.

But how much will I be paid? You will be paid really well but the average is US107, 000 and you could be an application developer, software engineer, system developer or DevOps engineer among others.

Ethical Hacking

With so many people accessing the internet every day you are by now aware that there are the bad ones among the billions of users. And it is highly possible you have encountered some bad guys online a couple of times. So owners of applications need to ensure safety of their products. This is where ethical hackers come in.

These are the people who work around the clock to ensure the applications, websites, mobile apps and other platforms you are using are safe. That you you can pay for services or products online without exposing your details to any other person and that you access platforms without fear of leaving your information to the public.

What roles available? So many roles including Ethical Hacker, Security Engineer, Penetration Tester, Information Security Analyst, Vulnerability Assessor and Cybersecurity Consultant. You need programming skills, computer proficiency, database, SQL, social engineering, cryptography and Linux skills. You must also have networking, wireless technologies and web applications skills. And most importantly you must be a critical thinker and have high problem-solving skills.

How much is all that trouble worth? You will be paid well with the average salary being around US$105, 000. It of course depends on your seniority level and the country of your job.

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With six about seven months to end the year, you can still make that big switch and earn something good by learning any of these in-demand skills.

  1. Data Analysis
  2. User Experience Design
  3. Translation
  4. Mobile Development
  5. Ethical Hacking

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4 thoughts on “5 top in-demand skills you should learn in 2023”

  1. Ayinsum Maria Anaba

    This is really great information that everyone needs. Thank you very much for sharing this.

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